Phone: +49 (0) 34 602 / 70 88 - 0

For the installation of horizontal and vertical wall elements as well as for installing roof elements

Dual circuit system

  • 2 independent vacuum circuits, each vacuum circuit with 2-fold safety and integrated reserve vacuum
  • for construction site use according to DIN EN 13155


  • turning over construction elements (face-to-face delivery)
  • installation of roof elements with a maximum length of 16 m (with extensions mounted)


  • crane (e. g. truck-mounted crane, top slewing crane)
  • forklift


  • crane: eye at the vacuum unit
  • forklift: fork sleeves for forks


  • safety belts
  • transport rack
  • protective caps


  • radio remote control
  • extensions

Material to be handled
Using the tried and tested Wirth round and oval suction pads you can turn-over, install and transport almost every standard sandwich element and many corrugated sheets with the OKTOPUS® PANEL-Jack PT 400. The suction areas of the elements to be lifted must be air-impermeable, have to have an even and clean surface and must not be covered with protective film.

  • suction pads Installation Turn-over
    12 round suction pads (ø 250 mm) 400 kg 400 kk
    16 oval suction pads (100 mm x 320 mm) 400 kg 260 kg
    24 oval suction pads (100 mm x 320 mm) 400 kg 400 kg
  • Weight:depending on the equipment up to approx. 740 kg
    Operation:cable remote control
    Power supply:rechargeable battery, 24 V
    Vacuum generation:vacuum pump
    Suction pads:Wirth standard suction pads
    - round suction pads (ø 250 mm) or
    - oval suction pads (100 mm x 320 mm)
    Equipment:- safety belts
    - transport rack
    - protective caps
    Options:- radio remote control
    - extensions

Use of OKTOPUS® PANEL-Jack PT 400


  • Crane attachment
  • Fork lift attachment
  • Vertical wall installation
  • Horizontal wall installation
  • Roof installation
  • Overhead installation
  • Rotate 360°
  • Tilt around horizontal axis
  • Turn-over ≥ 180°
  • Tilt around vertical axis (swivel)
  • Side stroke
  • Teleskop. Ausleger/ Kranarm/Hubsäule
  • Control panel at the device / cable remote control
  • Radio remote control
  • Manual operation
  • Battery

sandwich devices